Scilab Function

mtlb_save - save variables on file with matlab4 format.

Calling Sequence

mtlb_save fname
mtlb_save fname X
mtlb_save fname X Y Z
mtlb_save fname X Y Z -ascii
mtlb_save fname X Y Z -ascii -double
mtlb_save fname X Y Z -ascii -double -tabs



mtlb_save save variables on file with Matlab4 formats.

mtlb_save fname saves all the current scilab variables which have corresponding matlab type to the binary "MAT-file" named fname.mat . The data may be retrieved with mtlb_load .
mtlb_save fname X saves only variable X .
mtlb_save fname X Y Z saves variables X , Y , and Z .
mtlb_save fname X Y Z -ascii uses 8-digit ASCII form instead of binary.
mtlb_save fname X Y Z -ascii -double uses 16-digit ASCII form.
mtlb_save fname X Y Z -ascii -double -tabs delimits with tabs.
"stdio" value for fname doesnt redirect save to standard output

See Also

mtlb_load ,   save ,   load ,  


Serge Steer, INRIA
