Scilab Function

mtlb_load - load variables from file with Matlab4 format.

Calling Sequence

mtlb_load fname
mtlb_load xxx.yyy
mtlb_load fname -ascii



mtlb_load loads variables on file with Matlab4 formats.

mtlb_load fname loads in scilab all variables stored in file binary fname.mat .
mtlb_load fname -ascii loads in scilab variable stored in ascii file fname , which must contain a rectangular array of numeric data, arranged in m lines with n values in each line. The result is an m-by-n matrix named fname .
mtlb_load xxx.yyy mtlb_load xxx.yyy reads the ascii file xxx.yyy , which must contain a rectangular array of numeric data, arranged in m lines with n values in each line. The result is an m-by-n matrix named xxx .
"stdio" value for fname doesnt redirect load from standard input.

mtlb_load is superseeded by loadmatfile for binary files.

See Also

mtlb_save ,   loadmatfile ,   save ,   load ,  


Serge Steer, INRIA
