Scilab Function

mput - writes byte or word in a given binary format

Calling Sequence

mput(x [,type,fd])



The mput function writes data to the output specified by the stream parameter fd . Data is written at the position at which the file pointer is currently pointing and advances the indicator appropriately.

The type parameter is a conversion specifier which may be set to any of the following flag characters (with default value "l"):

"l","i","s","ul","ui","us","d","f","c","uc" : for writing respectively a long, an int, a short, an unsigned long, an unsigned int, an unsigned short, a double, a float, a char and an unsigned char. The bytes which are wrote are automatically swapped if necessary (by checking little-endian status) in order to produce machine independent binary files ( in little-endian mode). This default swapping mode can be suppressed by adding a flag in the mopen function.
"..l" or "..b" : It is also possible to write in little-endian or big-endian mode by adding a 'l' or 'b' character at the end of a type specification. For example "db" will write a double in big-endian mode.


  filen = 'test.bin';
// force little-endian 
// force big-endian 
  if 1996<>mget(1,'l') then pause,end
  if 1996<>mget(1,'i') then pause,end
  if 1996<>mget(1,'s') then pause,end
  if   98<>mget(1,'c') then pause,end
  // force little-endian
  if 1996<>mget(1,'ll') then pause,end
  if 1996<>mget(1,'il') then pause,end
  if 1996<>mget(1,'sl') then pause,end
  if   98<>mget(1,'cl') then pause,end
  // force big-endian 
  if 1996<>mget(1,'lb') then pause,end
  if 1996<>mget(1,'ib') then pause,end
  if 1996<>mget(1,'sb') then pause,end
  if   98<>mget(1,'cb') then pause,end

See Also

mclose ,   meof ,   mfprintf ,   fprintfMat ,   mfscanf ,   fscanfMat ,   mget ,   mgetstr ,   mopen ,   mprintf ,   mput ,   mputstr ,   mscanf ,   mseek ,   mtell ,   mdelete ,