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Java™ Platform Standard Ed. 8
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All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BasicButtonListener , BasicColorChooserUI.PropertyHandler , BasicComboBoxUI.PropertyChangeHandler , BasicComboPopup.PropertyChangeHandler , BasicDirectoryModel , BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.PropertyChangeHandler , BasicInternalFrameUI.InternalFramePropertyChangeListener , BasicLabelUI , BasicListUI.PropertyChangeHandler , BasicOptionPaneUI.PropertyChangeHandler , BasicRootPaneUI , BasicScrollBarUI.PropertyChangeHandler , BasicScrollPaneUI.PropertyChangeHandler , BasicSliderUI.PropertyChangeHandler , BasicSplitPaneDivider , BasicSplitPaneUI.PropertyHandler , BasicTabbedPaneUI.PropertyChangeHandler , BasicToolBarUI.PropertyListener , BasicTreeUI.PropertyChangeHandler , BasicTreeUI.SelectionModelPropertyChangeHandler , BeanContextServicesSupport , BeanContextSupport , DefaultTableColumnModel , JLayer , JList.AccessibleJList , JPopupMenu.AccessibleJPopupMenu , JScrollPane.AccessibleJScrollPane , JSpinner.DateEditor , JSpinner.DefaultEditor , JSpinner.ListEditor , JSpinner.NumberEditor , JTable.AccessibleJTable , MetalComboBoxUI.MetalPropertyChangeListener , MetalFileChooserUI.FilterComboBoxModel , MetalLabelUI , MetalRootPaneUI , MetalSliderUI.MetalPropertyListener , MetalToolBarUI.MetalRolloverListener , ProgressMonitor.AccessibleProgressMonitor , PropertyChangeListenerProxy , SynthButtonUI , SynthCheckBoxMenuItemUI , SynthCheckBoxUI , SynthColorChooserUI , SynthComboBoxUI , SynthDesktopIconUI , SynthDesktopPaneUI , SynthInternalFrameUI , SynthLabelUI , SynthListUI , SynthMenuBarUI , SynthMenuItemUI , SynthMenuUI , SynthOptionPaneUI , SynthPanelUI , SynthPopupMenuUI , SynthProgressBarUI , SynthRadioButtonMenuItemUI , SynthRadioButtonUI , SynthRootPaneUI , SynthScrollBarUI , SynthScrollPaneUI , SynthSeparatorUI , SynthSliderUI , SynthSpinnerUI , SynthSplitPaneUI , SynthTabbedPaneUI , SynthTableHeaderUI , SynthTableUI , SynthToggleButtonUI , SynthToolBarUI , SynthToolTipUI , SynthTreeUI , SynthViewportUI
public interface PropertyChangeListener
extends EventListener
A "PropertyChange" event gets fired whenever a bean changes a "bound"
property. You can register a PropertyChangeListener with a source
bean so as to be notified of any bound property updates.
Java™ Platform Standard Ed. 8
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