Doclet API

Interface FieldDoc

All Superinterfaces:
Comparable, Doc, MemberDoc, ProgramElementDoc

public interface FieldDoc
extends MemberDoc

Represents a field in a java class.

See Also:

Method Summary
 Object constantValue()
          Get the value of a constant field.
 String constantValueExpression()
          Get the value of a constant field.
 boolean isTransient()
          Return true if this field is transient
 boolean isVolatile()
          Return true if this field is volatile
 SerialFieldTag[] serialFieldTags()
          Return the serialField tags in this FieldDoc item.
 Type type()
          Get type of this field.
Methods inherited from interface com.sun.javadoc.MemberDoc
Methods inherited from interface com.sun.javadoc.ProgramElementDoc
containingClass, containingPackage, isFinal, isPackagePrivate, isPrivate, isProtected, isPublic, isStatic, modifiers, modifierSpecifier, qualifiedName
Methods inherited from interface com.sun.javadoc.Doc
commentText, compareTo, firstSentenceTags, getRawCommentText, inlineTags, isClass, isConstructor, isError, isException, isField, isIncluded, isInterface, isMethod, isOrdinaryClass, name, position, seeTags, setRawCommentText, tags, tags

Method Detail


public Type type()
Get type of this field.


public boolean isTransient()
Return true if this field is transient


public boolean isVolatile()
Return true if this field is volatile


public SerialFieldTag[] serialFieldTags()
Return the serialField tags in this FieldDoc item.

an array of SerialFieldTag objects containing all @serialField tags.


public Object constantValue()
Get the value of a constant field.

the value of a constant field. The value is automatically wrapped in an object if it has a primitive type. If the field is not constant, returns null.


public String constantValueExpression()
Get the value of a constant field.

the text of a Java language expression whose value is the value of the constant. The expression uses no identifiers other than primitive literals. If the field is not constant, returns null.

Doclet API

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