Java Debug Interface

Interface Connector.BooleanArgument

All Superinterfaces:
Connector.Argument, Serializable
Enclosing interface:

public static interface Connector.BooleanArgument
extends Connector.Argument

Specification for and value of a Connector argument, whose value is Boolean. Boolean values are represented by the localized versions of the strings "true" and "false".

Method Summary
 boolean booleanValue()
          Return the value of the argument as a boolean.
 boolean isValid(String value)
          Performs basic sanity check of argument.
 void setValue(boolean value)
          Sets the value of the argument.
 String stringValueOf(boolean value)
          Return the string representation of the value parameter.
Methods inherited from interface com.sun.jdi.connect.Connector.Argument
description, label, mustSpecify, name, setValue, value

Method Detail


public void setValue(boolean value)
Sets the value of the argument.


public boolean isValid(String value)
Performs basic sanity check of argument.

Specified by:
isValid in interface Connector.Argument
true if value is a string representation of a boolean value.
See Also:


public String stringValueOf(boolean value)
Return the string representation of the value parameter. Does not set or examine the current value of this instance.

the localized String representation of the boolean value.


public boolean booleanValue()
Return the value of the argument as a boolean. Since the argument may not have been set or may have an invalid value isValid(String) should be called on Connector.Argument.value() to check its validity. If it is invalid the boolean returned by this method is undefined.

the value of the argument as a boolean.

Java Debug Interface