Scilab Function

systems - a collection of dynamical system

Calling Sequence



A call to this function will load into Scilab a set of macros which describes dynamical systems. Their parameters can be initiated by calling the routine tdinit().



a bioreactor model,

  • x(1) is the biomass concentration
  • x(2) is the sugar concentration
                        xdot(1)=mu_td(x(2))*x(1)- debit*x(1);

    where mu_td is given by



    [xdot]=compet(t,x [,u])

    a competition model. x(1),x(2) stands for two populations which grows on a same resource. 1/u is the level of that resource ( 1 is the default value).

    xdot(1) = ppr*x(1)*(1-x(1)/ppk) - u*ppa*x(1)*x(2) ,
    xdot(2) = pps*x(2)*(1-x(2)/ppl) - u*ppb*x(1)*x(2) ,

    "The macro [xe]=equilcom(ue) " computes an equilibrium point of the competition model and a fixed level of the resource ue ( default value is 1)

    "The macro [f,g,h,linsy]=lincomp([ue]) " gives the linearisation of the competition model ( with output y=x) around the equilibrium point xe=equilcom(ue). This macro returns [f,g,h] the three matrices of the linearised system. and linsy which is a Scilab macro [ydot]=linsy(t,x) which computes the dynamics of the linearised system



    a model with a limit cycle




    a linear system



    a linear system with quadratic perturbations.



    a fish population model

    xdot= 10*x*(1-x/K)- peche(t)*x


    a Predator prey model with external insecticide.

  • x(1) The prey ( that we want to kill )
  • x(2) the predator ( that we want to preserve )
  • u mortality rate due to insecticide which destroys both prey and predator ( default value u=0)
    xdot(1) = ppr*x(1)*(1-x(1)/ppk) - ppa*x(1)*x(2) - u*x(1);
    xdot(2) = -ppm*x(2)             + ppb*x(1)*x(2) - u*x(2);

    The macro [xe]=equilpp([ue]) computes the equilibrium point of the p_p system for the value ue of the command. The default value for ue is 0.

                        xe(1) =  (ppm+ue)/ppb;
                        xe(2) =  (ppr*(1-xe(1)/ppk)-ue)/ppa;



    linear system with a feedback

     xdot= a*x +b*(-k*x)

    See Also

    tdinit ,