Scilab Function

dhinf - H_infinity design of discrete-time systems

Calling Sequence

[AK,BK,CK,DK,(RCOND)] = dishin(A,B,C,D,ncon,nmeas,gamma)



[AK,BK,CK,DK,(RCOND)] = dhinf(A,B,C,D,ncon,nmeas, gamma) To compute the matrices of an H-infinity (sub)optimal n-state controller

         | AK | BK |
     K = |----|----|,
         | CK | DK |

for the discrete-time system

         | A  | B1  B2  |   | A | B |
     P = |----|---------| = |---|---|,
         | C1 | D11 D12 |   | C | D | 
         | C2 | D21 D22 |

and for a given value of gamma, where B2 has column size of the number of control inputs (ncon) and C2 has row size of the number of measurements (nmeas) being provided to the controller.


[1] P.Hr. Petkov, D.W. Gu and M.M. Konstantinov. Fortran 77 routines for Hinf and H2 design of linear discrete-time control systems. Report99-8, Department of Engineering, Leicester University, April 1999.


//example from Niconet report SLWN1999-12
A=[-0.7  0    0.3  0   -0.5 -0.1
   -0.6  0.2 -0.4 -0.3  0    0
   -0.5  0.7 -0.1  0    0   -0.8
   -0.7  0    0   -0.5 -1    0
    0    0.3  0.6 -0.9  0.1 -0.4
    0.5 -0.8  0    0    0.2 -0.9];
B=[-1 -2 -2  1  0
    1  0  1 -2  1
   -3 -4  0  2 -2
    1 -2  1  0 -1
    0  1 -2  0  3
    1  0  3 -1 -2];
C=[ 1 -1  2 -2  0 -3
   -3  0  1 -1  1  0
    0  2  0 -4  0 -2
    1 -3  0  0  3  1
    0  1 -2  1  0 -2];
D=[1 -1 -2  0  0
   0  1  0  1  0
   2 -1 -3  0  1
   0  1  0  1 -1
   0  0  1  2  1];

[AK,BK,CK,DK] = dhinf(A,B,C,D,ncon,nmeas,gam)

See Also

hinf ,   h_inf ,