Scilab Function

plot3d - 3D plot of a surface

Calling Sequence




plot3d(x,y,z,[theta,alpha,leg,flag,ebox]) draws the parametric surface z=f(x,y) .

plot3d(xf,yf,zf,[theta,alpha,leg ,flag,ebox]) draws a surface defined by a set of facets. You can draw multiple plots by replacing xf , yf and zf by multiple matrices assembled by rows as [xf1 xf2 ...] , [yf1 yf2 ...] and [zf1 zf2 ...] . Note that data can also be set or get through the surface entity properties (see surface_properties ).

You can give a specific color for each facet by using list(zf,colors) instead of zf , where colors is a vector of size n . If colors(i) is positive it gives the color of facet i and the boundary of the facet is drawn with current line style and color. If colors(i) is negative, color id -colors(i) is used and the boundary of the facet is not drawn.

It is also possible to get interpolated color for facets. For that the color argument must be a matrix of size nfxn giving the color near each boundary of each facets. In this case positive values for colors mean that the boundary are not drawn. Note that colors can also be set through the surface entity properties (via tlist affectations) and edited using color_flag option (see surface_properties ).

The optional arguments theta, alpha, leg ,flag, ebox , can be passed by a sequence of statements key1=value1, key2=value2 , ... In this case, the order has no special meaning. Note that all these optional arguments except flag can be customized through the axes entity properties (see axes_properties ). As described before, the flag option deals with surface entity properties for mode (see surface_properties ) and axes properties for type and box (see axes_properties ).

You can use the function genfac3d to compute four sided facets from the surface z=f(x,y) . eval3dp can also be used.

Enter the command plot3d() to see a demo.

More information

To get more information on the plot3d old syntax , use the plot3d_old_version help document.


// simple plot using z=f(x,y) t=[0:0.3:2*%pi]'; z=sin(t)*cos(t'); plot3d(t,t,z) // same plot using facets computed by genfac3d [xx,yy,zz]=genfac3d(t,t,z); clf() plot3d(xx,yy,zz) // multiple plots clf() plot3d([xx xx],[yy yy],[zz 4+zz]) // multiple plots using colors clf() plot3d([xx xx],[yy yy],list([zz zz+4],[4*ones(1,400) 5*ones(1,400)])) // simple plot with viewpoint and captions clf() plot3d(1:10,1:20,10*rand(10,20),alpha=35,theta=45,flag=[2,2,3]) // plot of a sphere using facets computed by eval3dp deff("[x,y,z]=sph(alp,tet)",["x=r*cos(alp).*cos(tet)+orig(1)*ones(tet)";.. "y=r*cos(alp).*sin(tet)+orig(2)*ones(tet)";.. "z=r*sin(alp)+orig(3)*ones(tet)"]); r=1; orig=[0 0 0]; [xx,yy,zz]=eval3dp(sph,linspace(-%pi/2,%pi/2,40),linspace(0,%pi*2,20)); clf();plot3d(xx,yy,zz) clf(); f=gcf(); f.color_map = hotcolormap(128); r=0.3;orig=[1.5 0 0]; [xx1,yy1,zz1]=eval3dp(sph,linspace(-%pi/2,%pi/2,40),linspace(0,%pi*2,20)); cc=(xx+zz+2)*32;cc1=(xx1-orig(1)+zz1/r+2)*32; clf();plot3d1([xx xx1],[yy yy1],list([zz,zz1],[cc cc1]),theta=70,alpha=80,flag=[5,6,3]) //Available operations using only New Graphics... delete(gcf()); t=[0:0.3:2*%pi]'; z=sin(t)*cos(t'); [xx,yy,zz]=genfac3d(t,t,z); plot3d([xx xx],[yy yy],list([zz zz+4],[4*ones(1,400) 5*ones(1,400)])) e=gce();; TL = tlist(["3d" "x" "y" "z" "color"],f.x,f.y,f.z,6*rand(f.z)); // random color matrix = TL; TL2 = tlist(["3d" "x" "y" "z" "color"],f.x,f.y,f.z,4*rand(1,800)); // random color vector = TL2; TL3 = tlist(["3d" "x" "y" "z" "color"],f.x,f.y,f.z,[20*ones(1,400) 6*ones(1,400)]); = TL3; TL4 = tlist(["3d" "x" "y" "z"],f.x,f.y,f.z); // no color = TL4; e.color_flag=1 // color index proportional to altitude (z coord.) e.color_flag=2; // back to default mode e.color_flag= 3; // interpolated shading mode (based on blue default color) clf() plot3d([xx xx],[yy yy],list([zz zz+4],[4*ones(1,400) 5*ones(1,400)])) h=gce(); //get handle on current entity (here the surface) a=gca(); //get current axes a.rotation_angles=[40,70]; a.grid=[1 1 1]; //make grids a.data_bounds=[-6,6;6,-1;0,5]; a.axes_visible="off"; //axes are hidden a.axes_bounds=[.2 0 1 1]; h.color_flag=1; //color according to z h.color_mode=-2; //remove the facets boundary by setting color_mode to white color h.color_flag=2; //color according to given colors h.color_mode = -1; // put the facets boundary back by setting color_mode to black color f=gcf();//get the handle of the parent figure f.color_map=hotcolormap(512); c=[1:400,1:400]; TL.color = [c;c+1;c+2;c+3]; = TL; h.color_flag=3; // interpolated shading mode

See Also

eval3dp ,   genfac3d ,   geom3d ,   param3d ,   plot3d1 ,   clf ,   gca ,   gcf ,   xdel ,   delete ,  

