Scilab Function

plot2d - 2D plot

Calling Sequence




plot2d plots a set of 2D curves.

If x and y are vectors, plot2d(x,y,<opt_args>) plots vector y versus vector x . x and y vectors should have the same number of entries.

If x is a vector and y a matrix plot2d(x,y,<opt_args>) plots each columns of y versus vector x . In this case the number of columns of y should be equal to the number of x entries.

If x and y are matrices, plot2d(x,y,<opt_args>) plots each columns of y versus corresponding column of x . In this case the x and y sizes should be the same.

If y is a vector, plot2d(y,<opt_args>) plots vector y versus vector 1:size(y,'*') .

If y is a matrix, plot2d(y,<opt_args>) plots each columns of y versus vector 1:size(y,1) .

The <opt_args> arguments sould be used to customize the plot

style : This option may be used to specify how the curves are drawn. If this option is specified, the associated value should be a vector with as many entries as curves.
if style(i) is strictly positive, the curve is drawn as plain line and style(i) defines the index of the color used to draw the curve (see getcolor ). Note that the line style and the thickness can be set throught the polyline entity properties (see polyline_properties ). Piecewise linear interpolation is done between the given curve points.
if style(i) is negative or zero, the given curve points are drawn using marks, abs(style(i)) defines the mark with id used. Note that the marks color and marks sizes can be set throught the polyline entity properties (see polyline_properties ).
logflags : This option may be used to set the scale (linear or logarithmic) along the axes. The associated value should be a a string with possible values: "nn" , "nl" , "ln" and "ll" . "l" stands for logarithmic scale and graduations and "n" for normal scale.
rect : This option may be used to set the mimimal bounds requested for the plot. If this option is specified, the associated value should be a real vector with four entries:

[xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax] . xmin and xmax defines the bounds on the abscissae while ymin and ymax defines the bounds on the ordinates.

This argument may be used together with the frameflag option to specify how the axes boundaries are derived from teh given rect argument. If the frameflag option is not given, it is supposed to be frameflag=7 .

The axes boundaries can also be customized throught the axes entity properties (see axes_properties ).

frameflag : This option may be used to control the computation of the actual coordinate ranges from the minimal requested values. Actual ranges can be larger than minimal requirements.
frameflag=0 : no computation, the plot use the previous (or default) scale.
frameflag=1 : The actual range is the range given by the rect option.
frameflag=2 : The actual range is computed from the min/max of the x and y data.
frameflag=3 : The actual range is the range given by the rect option and enlarged to get an isometric scale.
frameflag=4 : The actual range is computed from the min/max of the x and y data and enlarged to get an isometric scale.
frameflag=5 : The actual range is the range given by the rect option and enlarged to get pretty axes labels.
frameflag=6 : The actual range is computed from the min/max of the x and y data and enlarged to get pretty axes labels.
frameflag=7 : like frameflag=1 but the previous plot(s) are redrawn to use the new scale. Used to add the current graph to a previous one.
frameflag=8 : like frameflag=2 but the previous plot(s) are redrawn to use the new scale. Used to add the current graph to a previous one.
The axes boundaries can also be customized throught the axes entity properties (see axes_properties )
axesflag : This option may be used to specify how the axes are drawn. The associated value should be an integer ranging from 0 to 5 :
axesflag=0 : nothing is drawn around the plot.
axesflag=1 : axes are drawn, the y=axis is displayed on the left
axesflag=2 : the plot is surrounded by a box without tics
axesflag=3 : axes are drawn, the y=axis is displayed on the right
axesflag=4 : axes are drawn centred in the middle of the frame box
axesflag=5 : axes are drawn so as to cross at point (0,0) . If point (0,0) does not lie inside the frame, axes will not appear on the graph

The axes aspect can also be customized throught the axes entity properties (see axes_properties ).

nax : This option may be used to specify the axes labels and tics definition when axesflag=1 option is used. The associated value should be a real vector with four integer entries [nx,Nx,ny,Ny] . Nx gives the number of main tics to be used on the x-axis, nx gives the number of subtics to be drawn between two main x-axis tics. Ny and ny give similar information for the y-axis. If axesflag option is not set nax option supposes that axesflag option has been set to 1.
leg : This option may be used to sets the curve captions. It must be a string with the form "leg1@leg2@...." where leg1 , leg2 , etc. are respectively the captions of the first curve, of the second curve, etc. The default is " " .

The curve captions are drawn on below the x-axis. This option is not flexible enough, use the legends function preferably.

More information

To get more information on the plot2d old syntax , use the plot2d_old_version help document.

By default, successive plots are superposed. To clear the previous plot, use clf() .

Enter the command plot2d() to see a demo.

Other high level plot2d function exist:

  • plot2d2 : same as plot2d but the curve is supposed to be piecewise constant.
  • plot2d3 : same as plot2d but the curve is plotted with vertical bars.
  • plot2d4 : same as plot2d but the curve is plotted with arrows.
  • Examples

    // x initialisation 
    //simple plot
    //multiple plot
    plot2d(x,[sin(x) sin(2*x) sin(3*x)])
    // multiple plot giving the dimensions of the frame
    plot2d(x,[sin(x) sin(2*x) sin(3*x)],rect=[0,0,6,0.5])
    //multiple plot with captions and given tics + style
    plot2d(x,[sin(x) sin(2*x) sin(3*x)],..
    // isoview
    plot2d(x,sin(x),1,frameflag= 4) 
    // scale 
    plot2d(x,sin(x),1,frameflag= 6) 
    // auto scaling with previous plots + style
    // axis on the right 
    a=gca(); // Handle on axes entity 
    a.y_location ="right"; 
    // axis centered at (0,0) 
    a=gca() // Handle on axes entity
    a.x_location = "middle"; 
    a.y_location = "middle"; 
    // Some operations on entities created by plot2d ...
    a.children // list the children of the axes : here it is an Agregation child composed of 2 entities 
    poly1= a.children.children(2); //store polyline handle into poly1 
    poly1.foreground = 4; // another way to change the style...
    poly1.thickness = 3;  // ...and the tickness of a curve.
    poly1.clip_state='off' // clipping control
    leg= a.children.children(1); // store legend handle into leg
    leg.font_style = 9; 
    leg.foreground = 6;

    See Also

    plot2d1 ,   plot2d2 ,   plot2d3 ,   plot2d4 ,   clf ,   xdel ,   delete ,  
