Scilab Data type

param3d_properties - description of the 3D curves entities properties


The Param3d entity is a leaf of the graphics entities hierarchy.

visible: This field contains the visible property value for the entity . It should be "on" or "off" . By default, the curves are visibles, the value's property is "on" . If "off" the curves are not drawn on the screen.
data: This field contains the coordinates of the 3d curves. it is the matrix [X,Y,Z] such as X(:,i) , Y(:,i) , Z(:,i) contain the 3D coordinates of the i 'th curve. This field contains the default line_style property value for Segs, Arcs, Rectangle and Polyline objects.
line_style: This field selects the type of line to be used to draw lines . Its value should be an integer in [0 9]. 0 stands for solid, the other values stand for a selection of dashes (see getlinestyle ).
polyline_style: This field selects the way curve are drawn: interpolated (default), staircase, barplot, arrowed and filled modes are available through integer index [1:5].
mark_mode: This field contains the default mark_mode property value. Its value should be "on" or "off" (default value).
mark_style: This field contains the default mark_style property value. The mark_style selects the type of mark to be displayed. Its value should be an integer in [0 9] which stands for: dot, plus, cross, star, diamond fill, diamond, triangle up, triangle down, trefle and circle.
mark_size: This field contains the default mark_size property value . The mark_size selects the font size of the mark to be displayed. Its value should be an integer in [0 5] whith stands for 8pt, 10pt, 12pt, 14pt, 18pt and 24pt (see getmark ).
thickness: This field contains the default thickness value of the lines used to draw the axes and the curves. It should be a positive integer.
foreground: This field contains the color index used to draw the curves. Its value should be a color index (relative to the current colormap).
clip_state: This field contains the default clip_state property value. Its value should be :
"off" this means that all curves created after that are not clipped (default value).
"clipgrf" this means that all curves created after that are clipped outside the Axes boundaries.
"on" this means that all curves created after that are clipped outside the rectangle given by property clip_box.
clip_box: This field contains the default clip_box property value. Its value should be an empty matrix if clip_state is "off" . Other case the clipping is given by the vector [x,y,w,h] (upper-left point width height).
parent: This property contains the handle of the parent. The parent of the 3D curves entity should be of type "Axes" or "Agregation" .



   set("figure_style","new") //create a figure
   a=get("current_axes");//get the handle of the newly created axes
   a.data_bounds=[-1,-1,-1;1,1,2]; //boundaries given by data_bounds
   a.thickness = 2;
   h=a.children //get the handle of the param3d entity: an agregation composed of 2 curves
   h.children(1).foreground = 3 // first curve
   curve2 = h.children(2);
   curve2.foreground = 6;
   curve2.mark_style = 2;


See Also

set ,   get ,   delete ,   param3d ,   param3d1 ,   graphics_entities ,  
