Scilab Function

driver - select a graphics driver

Calling Sequence




This function is used to select a graphics driver, or with no arguments to get the current graphics driver name. Most of the time, a user can ignore this function and change the driver by calling high level functions such as xbasc or xbasimp . The selected driver can be one of the followings:

"X11" : output to the screen of the computer.
"Pos" : output into Postscript format.
"Rec" : output to the screen of the computer with recording of all the graphics commands. This is the default driver.
"Fig" : output into XFig format. Clipping of objects is not provided in XFig.
"GIF" : output into Gif format based on gd (
"PPM" : output into PPM format based on gd (


To convert "GIF" or "PPM" files to other image format or for building animation one can use the "convert" program for ImageMagic (

For example if one has generated a sequence of Gif files named img*.gif it is possible to build an animated Gif file (named anim.gif) by

convert -delay 10  img*.gif anim.gif  

See Also

xtape ,   xbasc ,   xbasimp ,  

