Scilab Function

sprintf - Emulator of C language sprintf function

Calling Sequence




The sprintf function converts, formats, and stores its value parameters, under control of the format parameter.

The format parameter is a character string that contains two types of objects:

Literal characters : which are copied to the output stream.
Conversion specifications : each of which causes zero or more items to be fetched from the value parameter list. see printf_conversion for details

If there are not enough items for format in the value parameter list, sprintf generate an error. If any value s remain after the entire format has been processed, they are ignored.

Note: sprintf is obsolete, use msprintf instead.


sprintf('%3d Fahrenheit = %6.1f Celsius',fahr,(5/9)*(fahr-32)) 


See Also

string ,   print ,   write ,   format ,   disp ,   file ,   printf ,   fprintf ,   msprintf ,