Scilab Function

readmps - reads a file in MPS format

Calling Sequence

mps= readmps (file-name,bounds [,maxsizes]);



readmps . Utility function: reads a file containing description of an LP problem given in MPS format. It is an interface with the program rdmps1.f of hopdm (J. Gondzio). For a description of the variables, see the file rdmps1.f.

MPS format is a standard ASCII medium for LP codes. MPS format is described in more detail in Murtagh's book:

Murtagh B. (1981). Advanced Linear Programming, McGrew-Hill, New York, 1981.


//Let the LP problem:
//   min     XONE + 4 YTWO + 9 ZTHREE
//  LIM1:    XONE +   YTWO            < = 5
//  LIM2:    XONE +            ZTHREE > = 10
// MYEQN:         -   YTWO  +  ZTHREE   = 7
//  0 < = XONE < = 4
// -1 < = YTWO < = 1

//Generate MPS file 
txt=['NAME          TESTPROB'
     ' N  COST'
     ' L  LIM1'
     ' G  LIM2'
     ' E  MYEQN'
     '    XONE      COST                 1   LIM1                 1'
     '    XONE      LIM2                 1'
     '    YTWO      COST                 4   LIM1                 1'
     '    YTWO      MYEQN               -1'
     '    ZTHREE    COST                 9   LIM2                 1'
     '    ZTHREE    MYEQN                1'
     '    RHS1      LIM1                 5   LIM2                10'
     '    RHS1      MYEQN                7'
     ' UP BND1      XONE                 4'
     ' LO BND1      YTWO                -1'
     ' UP BND1      YTWO                 1'
//Read the MPS file
P=readmps(TMPDIR+'/test.mps',[0 10^30])
//Convert it to linpro format
//Solve it with linpro

See Also

mps2linpro ,