Scilab Function

splin2d - bicubic spline gridded 2d interpolation

Calling Sequence

C = splin2d(x, y, z, [,spline_type])



This function computes a bicubic spline or sub-spline s which interpolates the (xi,yj,zij) points, ie, we have s(xi,yj)=zij for all i=1,..,nx and j=1,..,ny. The resulting spline s is defined by the triplet (x,y,C) where C is the vector (of length 16(nx-1)(ny-1)) with the coefficients of each of the (nx-1)(ny-1) bicubic patches : on [x(i) x(i+1)]x[y(j) y(j+1)], s is defined by :

             _3_   _3_                       
             \     \                    k         l
    s(x,y) = /     /    C (k,l) (x - xi)  (y - yj)
             ---   ---   ij
             k=0   l=0

The evaluation of s at some points must be done by the interp2d function. Several kind of splines may be computed by selecting the appropriate spline_type parameter. The method used to compute the bicubic spline (or sub-spline) is the old fashionned one 's, i.e. to compute on each grid point (xi,yj) an approximation of the first derivatives ds/dx(xi,yj) and ds/dy(xi,yj) and of the cross derivative d2s/dxdy(xi,yj). Those derivatives are computed by the mean of 1d spline schemes leading to a C2 function (s is twice continuously differentiable) or by the mean of a local approximation scheme leading to a C1 function only. This scheme is selected with the spline_type parameter (see splin for details) :

  • "not_a_knot" : this is the default case.
  • "natural"
  • "periodic" : to use if the underlying function is periodic : you must have z(1,j) = z(nx,j) for all j in [1,ny] and z(i,1) = z(i,ny) for i in [1,nx] but this is not verified by the interface.
  • "monotone"
  • "fast"
  • "fast_periodic"
  • Remarks

    From an accuracy point of view use essentially the not_a_knot type or periodic type if the underlying interpolated function is periodic.

    The natural, monotone, fast (or fast_periodic) type may be useful in some cases, for instance to limit oscillations (monotone being the most powerfull for that).


    // example 1 : interpolation of cos(x)cos(y)
    n = 7;  // a regular grid with n x n interpolation points
            // will be used
    x = linspace(0,2*%pi,n); y = x;
    z = cos(x')*cos(y);
    C = splin2d(x, y, z, "periodic");
    m = 50; // discretisation parameter of the evaluation grid
    xx = linspace(0,2*%pi,m); yy = xx;
    [XX,YY] = ndgrid(xx,yy);
    zz = interp2d(XX,YY, x, y, C);
    emax = max(abs(zz - cos(xx')*cos(yy)));
    plot3d(xx, yy, zz, flag=[2 4 4])
    [X,Y] = ndgrid(x,y);
    param3d1(X,Y,list(z,-9*ones(1,n)), flag=[0 0])
    str = msprintf(" with %d x %d interpolation points. ermax = %g",n,n,emax) 
    xtitle("spline interpolation of cos(x)cos(y)"+str)
    // example 2 : different interpolation functions on random datas
    n = 6;
    x = linspace(0,1,n); y = x;
    z = rand(n,n);
    np = 50;
    xp = linspace(0,1,np); yp = xp;
    [XP, YP] = ndgrid(xp,yp);
    ZP1 = interp2d(XP, YP, x, y, splin2d(x, y, z, "not_a_knot"));
    ZP2 = linear_interpn(XP, YP, x, y, z);
    ZP3 = interp2d(XP, YP, x, y, splin2d(x, y, z, "natural"));
    ZP4 = interp2d(XP, YP, x, y, splin2d(x, y, z, "monotone"));
    xset("colormap", jetcolormap(64))
       plot3d1(xp, yp, ZP1, flag=[2 2 4])
       plot3d1(xp, yp, ZP2, flag=[2 2 4])
       xtitle("bilinear interpolation")
       plot3d1(xp, yp, ZP3, flag=[2 2 4])
       plot3d1(xp, yp, ZP4, flag=[2 2 4])
    // example 3 : not_a_knot spline and monotone sub-spline
    //             on a step function
    a = 0; b = 1; c = 0.25; d = 0.75;
    // create interpolation grid
    n = 11;
    x = linspace(a,b,n);
    ind = find(c <= x & x <= d); 
    z = zeros(n,n); z(ind,ind) = 1;  // a step inside a square
    // create evaluation grid
    np = 220;
    xp = linspace(a,b, np);
    [XP, YP] = ndgrid(xp, xp);
    zp1 = interp2d(XP, YP, x, x, splin2d(x,x,z));
    zp2 = interp2d(XP, YP, x, x, splin2d(x,x,z,"monotone"));
    // plot
       plot3d1(xp, xp, zp1, flag=[-2 6 4])
       xtitle("spline (not_a_knot)")
       plot3d1(xp, xp, zp2, flag=[-2 6 4])
       xtitle("subspline (monotone)")

    See Also

    cshep2d ,   linear_interpn ,   interp2d ,  


    B. Pincon