dsearch - dichotomic (binary) search

Calling Sequence

[ind, occ, info] = dsearch(X, val [, ch ])



case ch="c" this is the interval case, for each X(i) search in which of the n-1 intervals it falls, the intervals being defined by :

            I1 = [val(1), val(2)]
            Ik = (val(k), val(k+1)] for 1 < k <= n-1 ;
ind(i) is the interval number of X(i) (0 if X(i) is not in [val(1),val(n)])
occ(k) is the number of components of X which are in Ik
info is the number of components of X which are not in [val(1),val(n)]
case ch="d" this is the discrete case, for each X(i) search if it is equal to one val(k)
ind(i) is equal to the index of the component of val which matches X(i) (ind(i) = k if X(i)=val(k)) or 0 if X(i) is not in val.
occ(k) is the number of components of X equal to val(k)
info is the number of components of X which are not in val


// example #1 (elementary stat for U(0,1))
m = 50000 ; n = 10;
X = grand(m,1,"def");
val = linspace(0,1,n+1)';
[ind, occ] = dsearch(X, val);
xbasc() ; plot2d2(val, [occ/m;0])  // no normalisation : y must be near 1/n

// example #2 (elementary stat for B(N,p))
N = 8 ; p = 0.5; m = 50000;
X = grand(m,1,"bin",N,p); val = (0:N)';
[ind, occ] = dsearch(X, val, "d");
Pexp = occ/m; Pexa = binomial(p,N); 
xbasc() ; hm = 1.1*max(max(Pexa),max(Pexp));
plot2d3([val val+0.1], [Pexa' Pexp],[1 2],"111",  ...
        "Pexact@Pexp", [-1 0 N+1 hm],[0 N+2 0 6])
xtitle(  "binomial law B("+string(N)+","+string(p)+") :" ...
        +" exact probability versus experimental ones")

// example #3 (piecewise Hermite polynomial)
x = [0 ; 0.2 ; 0.35 ; 0.5 ; 0.65 ; 0.8 ;  1];
y = [0 ; 0.1 ;-0.1  ; 0   ; 0.4  ;-0.1 ;  0];
d = [1 ; 0   ; 0    ; 1   ; 0    ; 0   ; -1];
X = linspace(0, 1, 200)';
ind = dsearch(X, x);
// define Hermite base functions
deff("y=Ll(t,k,x)","y=(t-x(k+1))./(x(k)-x(k+1))")   // Lagrange left on Ik
deff("y=Lr(t,k,x)","y=(t-x(k))./(x(k+1)-x(k))")     // Lagrange right on Ik
// plot the curve
Y = y(ind).*Hl(X,ind) + y(ind+1).*Hr(X,ind) + d(ind).*Kl(X,ind) + d(ind+1).*Kr(X,ind);
xbasc(); plot2d(X,Y,2) ; plot2d(x,y,-9,"000") 
xtitle("an Hermite piecewise polynomial")
// NOTE : you can verify by adding these ones : 
// YY = interp(X,x,y,d); plot2d(X,YY,3,"000")

See Also

find ,  

