Scilab Function

arma - Scilab arma library


Armax processes can be coded with Scilab tlist of type 'ar' . armac is used to build Armax scilab object. An 'ar' tlist contains the fields ['a','b','d','ny','nu','sig'] .

armac : this function creates a Scilab tlist which code an Armax process A(z^-1)y= B(z^-1)u + D(z^-1)sig*e(t)

 ans  =
!   1.    2. !
 ans  =
armap(ar [,out]) : Display the armax equation associated with ar
armap_p(ar [,out]) : Display the armax equation associated with ar using polynomial matrix display.
[A,B,D]=armap2p(ar) : extract polynomial matrices from ar representation
armax : is used to identify the coefficients of a n-dimensional ARX process A(z^-1)y= B(z^-1)u + sig*e(t)
armax1 : armax1 is used to identify the coefficients of a 1-dimensional ARX process A(z^-1)y= B(z^-1)u + D(z^-1)sig*e(t)
arsimul : armax trajectory simulation.
arspec : Spectral power estimation of armax processes. Test of mese and arsimul
exar1 : An Example of ARMAX identification ( K.J. Astrom) The armax process is described by : a=[1,-2.851,2.717,-0.865] b=[0,1,1,1] d=[1,0.7,0.2]
exar2 : ARMAX example ( K.J. Astrom). A simulation of a bi dimensional version of the example of exar1.
exar3 : Spectral power estimation of arma processes from Sawaragi et all where a value of m=18 is used. Test of mese and arsimul
gbruit : noise generation
narsimul : armax simulation ( using rtitr)
odedi : Simple tests of ode and arsimul. Tests the option 'discret' of ode
prbs_a : pseudo random binary sequences generation
reglin : Linear regression


J.P.C ; ;