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Internet Deployment

Deploying Java Plug-in with Internet Explorer

With Internet Explorer it is recommended that you use the APPLET tag for internet deployment. However, you could use the OBJECT tag in certain cases; e.g., if you want users to use a particular version of Java Plug-in. In the case that the you chose to use the OBJECT tag, the following is recommended.


The following is recommeded for long-term reliability:

  • For the codebase attribute in the OBJECT tag, it is recommended that you use the .exe version, rather than the .cab version, on That .cab version on may point to an updated version that you do not want to use for your deployment.
  • It is also recommend that you create your own download site for the versions you need so that you do not rely on Downloads on frequently change.

These are the same recommendations as for the intranet environment.

Deploying Java Plug-in with Mozilla

With supported Mozilla browsers it is recommended that you use the APPLET tag for internet deployment.

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